These last few weeks, Shaun and I have been able to spend all day with Nicole. I don't think it could have happened at a better time! She is doing new stuff almost every day. She transitioned from scooting/low crawling around a room to actual crawling now. She climbs on everything she can. She can pull herself to standing. She can sort of balance on her own, but not consistently. She sits on her own really well now. She would rather be moving though. She is doing all kinds of fun stuff with her mouth. She clicks her tongue and she found out how to blow and she spits (which is really funny to us). She looks at us when we call her name. She will reach for us when we reach for her and she wants picked up. It is all so great to watch. She is such a happy little girl. She smiles all the time and loves to play. She really loves to watch bigger kids play. She calls out to them to get their attention, which is pretty funny. She also imitates sounds that she hears. We are really loving this age. Unfortunately we are going to start back to work next week and she will start daycare. She is going to love it though. The providers seem really nurturing and she will love to be around the other kids!

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