Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Exploring the World

Nicole is growing up too fast! The last few weeks she has been really exploring the world. She has really good control of her hands now and can grab the things she wants, she can put almost anything she grabs in her mouth, and she can pass things back and forth between her hands. Ever since she started solid foods, she is especially interested in anything I put in my mouth. The other day, I had a V8 can that I had just finished and she kept reaching for it. I gave it to her and she held on to it and really inspected it.
She put it in her mouth and she liked it because it was cold. She's also been doing that with my glass when I take a drink of water. I'll let her put it in her mouth and she just kind of sucks on the glass. This weekend we took her to a festival and I had a sandwich. She was staring at it, so I started to hand it to her. She went to take it with both hands and pull it to her mouth. I had to remind her she wasn't ready for that kind of food yet. She really is a pro when it comes to food though. If only her tummy was as ready as the rest of her is.

She had bananas for the first time a couple nights ago. She seemed to like them, but tonight she didn't like them as much. Tomorrow, we are going to try squash. So far, so good. No allergies or reactions. She gets pretty gassy, but she always has, so that isn't surprising.

Nicole has been a little sick for the first time. She seems to be allergic to something in the air. We have had a lot of rain lately and it is giving her a runny nose and cough. The cough is so sad. I hate to hear it. She coughs in her sleep and it sounds terrible, but it isn't keeping her up and she doesn't have a fever, so we are doing alright. I just feel bad for her. Hopefully, it will clear up soon.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

5 Month Check Up

Today we went for Nicole's 4-month check up. It was actually on her 5-month birthday though. I almost felt like I was cheating on the test. I was able to answer "yes" to all the questions on the developmental questionnaire. She started the appointment off with a dirty diaper, which is always fun :) Then she got weighed. She is still a really small little girl. She seems huge to us because we look at how much she has changed. She weighed in at 12lb 3oz and 24 inches long. This caused her percentages to go down, but the doctor said it was fine as long as she is still gaining weight and hitting all her milestones and having the necessary diaper changes. We knew she was small, but her weight put her in the 13th percentile and 32nd for length. Her head circumference stayed about the same with around 50%. She loved all the docs and thought they were playing with her when they checked her out. She was as smiley as can be. Her next appointment will be around her 6 month point just to get her back on schedule and then to make sure we see a doctor before we head back to the US.

Friday, August 13, 2010

First Solid Food!!

Wow our little one is growing up sooo fast! We decided to try solid foods today. Here she is getting ready. The first time we ever handed her a spoon and she stuck it straight in her mouth like she had been doing it for years. Our little one is a natural eater. She used her spoons from her Aunt Jackie and her bib from her Aunt Stephanie. She's lucky to have so many Aunts that love her so much.

At first she seems a little confused and we couldn't tell if she liked it, but she kept trying it and making funny faces. Then she saw that we liked her eating it, so that made her smile. We didn't want to push it too much, so we only tried a little. We will try again this afternoon and see how she does.