Friday, June 18, 2010

Nicole "running"

Nicole also likes to "run", she is always kicking her legs these days. It is funny because the first ultrasound of her when I was 10 weeks pregnant we saw her doing something similar and she was a kicker throughout my pregnancy. Here is a video of her "talking" to Daddy and "running."

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Nicole "Talking"

Here is Nicole talking to us on her changing table. She really is such a cutie and I think she knows it. She gets so excited when we talk back to her.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

3 Months

Wow, how things have changed! Our little one is growing up so fast. She likes to sit and stand (even though she can't do either on her own). She smiles all the time now. She loves to be talked to and to "talk" back. We took some video of her talking.

She is sleeping in her pack n' play finally. This has been a long process for us. She spent the first weeks needing to be held in order to sleep, then she moved to our bed, then she moved to a separate sleeping area, but still in our bed. Now she has been in the pack n' play for the last two weeks. She wakes once or twice a night, but eats and goes right back to sleep, so it works out very nicely to have her in the pack n' play right next to the bed.