Monday, May 17, 2010

2 Month Check Up

Today was a stressful day! I went back to work today and Nicole had to go to a sitter for the first time. That alone would have been enough, but it was also her 2-month check up where she was supposed to get shots. This is also the first day we've tested our morning routine to see if Shaun and I could get ready for work with Nicole and get out of the house on time. We were able to accomplish that, so I felt good leaving the house. The appointment went well. She is growing like a weed. She is now 9 lbs 6 oz (39%) and 22 1/2 inches (76%). Her head size also increased from 8% at birth to the 51% today. The doc said everything looked great. She is hitting all her milestones and is a beautiful baby. He actually said she was a good shape...I thought that was an odd comment. We went to immunizations to find out we had to wait until the 18th (tomorrow) to get her shots because the system doesn't allow them to do it early. After watching a mom come out with her 4-month old, I wasn't too disappointed about that except we have to go back later this week to get them. After the appointment it was time to drop Nicole off. She is on a waiting list to get into the facility on base, so we found a certified lady on another base close to our house that could watch her until mid June. Her name is Keisha and she has two children of her own. I knew she would take care of my baby, but it was sad to think of somebody else watching her. I haven't been apart from her for more than 30-40 minutes since she was born and even then, I was pretty close by. I knew it would be rough, but I almost made it out without crying, but didn't. By the time I got to work, I was okay but everyone was concerned about me and wanted to hear how it went. The day went alright, but I couldn't wait to go and get her. I know it will get easier as time goes on, but I hate leaving her. When we picked her up, she was happy to see us, but tired, so we were only able to get a little bit of fun time in before we put her down for a pre-bedtime nap, dinner, then bedtime. Overall it was a good day, but I had been so anxious about it.
Nicole is doing great. She is still really gassy, but we are able to manage it and she has become less fussy. She was diagnosed with reflux awhile back, so we have her on medicine for that and it helps the fussiness. She has really been fun to play with now. She loves to lay on her mat or changing table and watch her toys and her mobile. She makes the cutest little sounds and smiles back at us when we talk to her and smile. We found a great method to calm her on a DVD called "The Happiest Baby on the Block". I had the book while I was pregnant, but the DVD really helped us a lot. We are already thinking of ordering the toddler version by the same doctor. It really does work. I think I will get it for every pregnant person I know now. The next step for us is to work on getting her to fall asleep and stay asleep on her own. It is getting better, but she still spends a lot of time in our arms sleeping. Our goal is to get her to be able to sleep in her crib by 12 weeks. We will see if Nicole wants to follow that plan or not.