Monday, April 18, 2011

1st Birthday

I just realized I didn't post a birthday blog.  Nicole's birthday was a huge success.  It was a lot of fun to have some many people come and visit to help us celebrate.  Nicole did great, too! She wasn't a big fan of her cake.  Maybe she thought it was too pretty to eat.  Her Auntie Kari made it for her.  It was delicious!!!

Here are some pictures of the party and of the birthday photos we had taken.  I loved her little outfit we found on  I got a lot of the decorations for the party from there, too.  I love that site.


We Have a Toddler on our Hands!!

Nicole is walking now...she has been taking a few steps here and there for awhile, but last week she decided she was ready.  Now she wants to walk everywhere.  She hardly crawls at all anymore.

She is such a great age right now.  Everything we do is new and it is fun to see how she reacts.  We went to the zoo a few weekends ago.  It is really close, so we figured it would be fun to check out.  She really loved it. She really liked to watch the other kids watch the animals, especially the elephants and giraffes.  She loved watching the other kids, too.
Pointing at the elephants
Watch out for the homosapian
Nicole tried to share with this old guy

Nicole and Jake
Last week, I took her to botanical gardens with our friend Krystal and her little boy, Jake.  The weather was beautiful!  It was nice to get out and enjoy the sun.  We saw a bald eagle nest with babies.  That was neat.  Nicole also discovered that turtles like cheerios almost as much as she does.  We got some great pictures of her in her Easter dress.  She looked so cute.  She practiced her walking on the grass.  She did okay, but when she fell down, she didn't like it touching her leg.  What a silly girl!
I love this girl!!
Everyday it seems like something new with her.  We discovered she likes ice cream.  We were playing one day and Shaun brought me a fudge pop.  She started opening her mouth at me as wide as she could. This is her new way of telling me she wants to eat something I have.  It is hilarious to me to see.  It is especially funny in the grocery store...  Here is a picture of her enjoying the ice cream.

This week, Nicole is getting extra time with Daddy.  I have to go away for work for the first time since she was born.  I have been really lucky up until now that I haven't had to go anywhere.  I'm heading to Florida for two weeks.  I know they will be fine and it will be good for both of them, but I am going to miss her terribly.  I already do and I've only been gone a few hours.  This is also the end of our nursing time.  I'm so glad that we have been able to do it for 13 months.  It wasn't easy in the beginning, but I have really started to love that time with her.  I guess this is just another milestone on her way to independence.

 Luckily, Nicole is doing a great job sleeping now.  Most nights, she sleeps through the night and she is doing better with her naps, too.  Our lives have gotten a lot more relaxed since we have all started sleeping better.  It is long overdue, but we are so glad things are starting to normalize a little.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Growing Up

Nicole is growing up soo much! She does the cutest stuff these days.  She is so smart and I just love her to pieces.

She has started saying "bye bye" when she knows it is time to leave.  She does this when Shaun is getting ready to leave in the morning, when we are getting her into her carseat, when I drop her off at daycare (even though I'm not ready to leave), and when we leave daycare.  She does it best when nobody says it to her first.  It is so cute.  She also blows butterfly kisses.  I had been doing this since I started dropping her off at daycare and she must have just learned it one day.  She even makes the smacking sound when her hand is at her mouth before she blows the kiss.  It really melts my heart. 

She is standing up on her own now for longer periods of time.  She has been sort of standing for awhile, but she only does it when you are right there.  Now she gets up on her own and looks around for a bit. 

She took some steps on her own the other night.  She loves to walk with our fingers everywhere.  It is so cute, but she just doesn't want to stop.  One night Shaun and I were passing her back and forth from my fingers to his.  Then we separated a little more and she had to fill the gap walking without our hands and she did it.  She repeated a few times.  I think it is a confidence issue.  She holds onto our fingers so tight and won't let go.  This night she let go because she knew the other person would catch her.  I don't think she gets a lot of practice like this at daycare, so it may still be awhile before she does more, but I'm okay with it taking a little longer.  Once she starts walking, we are in big trouble :)

Roxy has become protective of her.  We have been dog sitting this week and she does not like the other dog too close to Nicole.  The first night, it was a little crazy with all of them on the floor, but it has settled down over the week.  Nicole tells the dogs "no" when they get in her face and she doesn't want to play.  It is kind of funny because she looks like she is really annoyed with them when she says it.  They seem to understand it, too. 

We went and got her 1st Birthday pics done last weekend.  She was so good for them.  Luckily, she had a great nap beforehand, so she was well rested and she was her cheerful self.  I can't wait to share the results.  I can't believe her birthday is less than 10 days away.  This time last year, I was telling people she would probably be late because there was no sign of her coming.  Of course, she surprised me as she always does!


Many of you know that Nicole has never really been a good sleeper.  When we first got her home from the hospital, she would only sleep for any substantial amount of time if we were holding her.  Shaun and I took turns sleeping on the couch with her on our chest for a few weeks.  Then we were able to transition her to sleeping in her pack n' play next to the bed and eventually we got her to her crib.  Then we moved...sigh...that was the end of that.

When we first moved into the hotel in Germany, she would only sleep 30 minutes in the pack n' play and I ended up bringing her into bed with me, so we could both get some sleep.  We have been co-sleeping ever since.  Co-sleeping isn't a bad thing (although many people will tell you it is and that it is a terrible habit to start).  Well it worked for us for awhile.  We spent so much time in transition between houses, that we were able to both get some much needed sleep.  I've always known that I would need to transition her back to the crib, but I was really worried about it.  Everyone kept telling me how hard it was going to be to do since we had started co-sleeping.  I read all the sleep books...No-Cry Sleep Solution, Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child, The Sleep Easy Solution, and I've started another one by Dr. Ferber on sleep problems.  Well a month ago, I heard about the Sleep Easy Solution and decided I would read yet another book.  That one had a DVD as well.  (Note: The DVD is super appealing because that helps me get Shaun on board.  As with the Happiest Baby on the Block DVD, it got him up to speed on the methods we were going with without him having to read the book.)  We watched it a few weeks ago and I was ready to start.  The Cliff Notes version of the method is: Step 1: Follow nighttime routine doing the same things in the same order each night to signal that it is bedtime.  Step 2: Lay baby in crib awake (essential, so that baby learns to fall asleep in the crib rather than in your arms.  Step 3: Say goodnight and leave (despite crying).  Step 4: If crying persists, go and check in 5 minutes.  Reassure her with kind words and without touching, then leave within 30 seconds.  Step 4: If crying persists, do the same thing at 10 minutes, then repeat every 15 minutes after that until sleeping.  When I was pregnant and for the first 6 months or so, I had said I would not do the CIO (cry it out) method because I had read the negatives about it.  This is a modified CIO. 

Well Nicole was apparently really ready for this transition because 3 nights in and she is already sleeping like a champ.  Night 1: The total time took 43 minutes.  Night 2, the total time was 16 (without any checks because she had calmed herself down and didn't need me going in and upsetting her).  Night 3, the total time was 13 minutes.  She is out like a light.  She still wakes once to eat, but then falls back asleep.  I hate to be so optimistic that all our sleep issues are solved, but this is significant progress and I'm super excited about it.  Once the doc says we can night wean her, we will cut out that feeding (he said to keep it up until her weight increases a little more, if she wants to).   

Reflecting on the process, I'm disappointed that I didn't start it sooner.  It bothers me that I let other people's judgment and "advice" scare me into avoiding this process.  I'm a little sad that my little cuddle bug doesn't need me to get to sleep anymore, but I know we are both better off this way.  My advice to others, "do what works best for you in your situation."  Co-sleeping worked for us and it didn't do "permanent damage" to her as some people told me it would if I let it go on too long.  To my friends that have been so supportive through this process, thank you.  Hopefully in a few weeks, I will no longer be the walking zombie that I have become due to lack of sleep :oP

Friday, February 18, 2011


Nicole has really enjoyed the sunshine these past weekends.

Here she is getting ready for her first bike ride!

Here she is knocked out during a long walk on a local trail.

I've also been taking her out to swing on her swing set. She really likes it, but she needs a toddler swing for her birthday.

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Catching up

I haven't updated this blog in awhile, but I keep meaning to.  It just seems that so much is happening that I don't know where to start with an update.  Nicole is 11 months today and I'm anxiously planning her birthday.  We are going to have a party here at the house.  I'd love it if all her family and our friends could be here to celebrate, but it is impossible to get everyone together from all over the place.  I haven't lived near all of my family since I was five, so I'm pretty used to being away from them, but I hate that Nicole won't grow up close to her cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents.  Oh well, it is what it is and we will make the best of it.  This party is going to be lots of fun.  I have her birthday pictures scheduled in a couple weeks, so that we will have the pictures in time for the party.  I got her the cutest little birthday outfit.  I can't wait for everyone to see it. 

Nicole is such a little monkey.  We have jokingly called her that for awhile, but now that she is really on the move, she is really earning the nickname.  She isn't walking just yet on her own, but she wants to walk everywhere she goes.  She just has to hold our hands.  She is getting a little better at standing on her own for longer, but when she realizes she is doing it, she drops down to her knees.  She climbs everything! EVERYTHING! We were looking out the back door yesterday waiting for Roxy and she starting "walking" up the door.  She climbs all over us when we sit on the floor with her.  She tries to climb in and out of the bathtub on her own.  She has so much energy.  I remember the first time we saw her in an ultrasound, we said she was "dancing."  I don't think she has really stopped moving since. 

The weather is starting to get warmer here and it is really beautiful! We went out and got a bike trailer that we can pull behind our bike.  She LOVED it!!  When we put her in, she just kept making this silly face.  Once we started moving, she just looked around at everything and then started to make sounds with her mouth.  As we were going over the bumps, she liked the way it sounded.  I don't think she stopped making those noises until we were done.  I can't wait to get her out on more rides.  We've also dusted off the jogging stroller and we took her out for a 4-mile walk last weekend.  It was such a nice day and she just passed out almost as soon as we started.  The more I look at the picture, I wish somebody would push me around in stroller on a nice day, so I can take a nice long nap.

Nicole still isn't doing well with her sleep.  She still needs Mommy to put her to sleep and she still wakes up a few times throughout the night to either eat or make sure I'm still there.  I've been reading all the sleep books and I'm finally ready to start doing some sleep training.  I'd like to have her falling asleep on her own by her birthday.  Then I will finally get a good nights rest (at least I'm hoping I will). 

I think this is a good update for now, hopefully I'll find more time to do this again soon.
 I'll post pictures from my phone in a second blog post.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

1st Christmas

I have been so excited to celebrate Nicole's first Christmas!  I had to hold myself back and not buy her everything I wanted for her.  I know she doesn't need a bunch of toys.  We've only been in our house for a little less than a month and this month has been really hectic getting everything settled, so we didn't get a tree put up until Christmas Eve.  I'm glad we got it up though.  It was fun to wake up on Christmas and go and open presents by it.  Nicole and Roxy were both pretty overwhelmed by all the excitement.  Nicole played with anything and everything.  She loves her toys though.  Here are some pictures of her playing with them.

Here Nicole is hanging out by the Christmas Tree.  We just painted the walls this color.

Nicole helping Daddy open his stocking

Nicole was crawling around and picked up a tail

She loves this book.  It is her friend Scout and he reads to her as she turns the pages

Miss Krystal and Baby Jake reading Nicole her Christmas presents from them.