Friday, October 29, 2010

6-month pics!

These are a little late, but we had Nicole's pictures taken in Germany before we left. Some of them really turned out great. They really captured her blossoming personality. Here is one of my favorites! I just love her little smile!

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Growing up too fast!

These last few weeks, Shaun and I have been able to spend all day with Nicole. I don't think it could have happened at a better time! She is doing new stuff almost every day. She transitioned from scooting/low crawling around a room to actual crawling now. She climbs on everything she can. She can pull herself to standing. She can sort of balance on her own, but not consistently. She sits on her own really well now. She would rather be moving though. She is doing all kinds of fun stuff with her mouth. She clicks her tongue and she found out how to blow and she spits (which is really funny to us). She looks at us when we call her name. She will reach for us when we reach for her and she wants picked up. It is all so great to watch. She is such a happy little girl. She smiles all the time and loves to play. She really loves to watch bigger kids play. She calls out to them to get their attention, which is pretty funny. She also imitates sounds that she hears. We are really loving this age. Unfortunately we are going to start back to work next week and she will start daycare. She is going to love it though. The providers seem really nurturing and she will love to be around the other kids!

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Testing my blogging app on my iPhone

We don't have Internet right now except on our phones, so I wanted to see if I could update my blog from my phone. I hope this works well.

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

New House

We found a house after a long search.  Shaun came to the area at the end of August hoping to find a house, but he only found one and he wasn't in love with it.  We put a bid in anyway, but the guy didn't accept it.  We decided to wait to get here to figure out what we wanted to do then.  After we arrived, we went to look at the same house.  I really liked it.  It was a great house, but I wasn't in love with the neighborhood.  It was  a huge development of neighborhoods and all the houses on the street looked the same.  The yard was kind of small, too.  We did like the house though, so we re-bid on it.  Then when we were doing the paperwork, our realtor asked us if we had a Plan B.  We realized we didn't, so we kept looking.  The next day we were looking around a neighborhood and found a couple houses that we hadn't looked at before.  We called the realtor and asked to take a look later that day.

We are so glad we did! We found a perfect house!  We originally didn't look at the house because it had a pool in the backyard and we don't really want to maintain that.  After seeing it and the house and the yard, we loved it though and now we are excited about the pool.  We put a bid in and the seller's accepted right away.  We are supposed to close on November 18th!  We can't wait!  We are living in a little apartment on base right now.  It is way too small for the four of us!  Here are some pics of the house.  Enjoy!

Nicole's Room
Shaun's "Man Cave"
Our room

I'll post more pics soon.

Here is a video of the yard:

Long overdue update

We moved out of our house at the end of September and moved into a hotel on base.  We flew out on the 7th of October.  It was a hectic morning.  We had so many things to do and Nicole wasn't sleeping very well, Shaun was sick, our washer and dryer in our room decided to go crazy beeping all night (until we unplugged them and left our clothes wet..ugh).  We made it on the plane though and Nicole did pretty well.

She took a little nap in the airport before we took off.

Then we settled her into her seat and fed her.  The problem with traveling with a little one this age, especially Nicole, is that she does not want to sit still.  She wants to be rolling around on the floor, crawling, walking (with our help), or doing anything aside from sitting in her carseat.  This made the flight exhausting for me.  I spent most of the flight trying to entertain her or keep her happy or getting her to take a nap.  It was a quick almost 9hr flight though.  Luckily, we decided not to get a connecting flight down to Virginia.  Instead we decided to stay in Baltimore for the night and then rent a car and drive down the next day.  It worked out perfectly.  Nicole and Roxy did really well.  We rented a minivan and packed it up with all our suitcases, Roxy's crate, the stroller and us.

We love the area so far.  It is really pretty and it has all the things we could want or need really close by.  We even have friends in the area already.  Hope you enjoy the pics from the trip.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Two Front Teeth

Nicole is teething.  We've been able to see her two bottom teeth for months and we've thought she was maybe teething many times.  This last week they just all of sudden popped out.  Until today, they didn't really seem to bother her much either.  She looks so cute with her little gummy smile and I'll be sort of sad to see it go, but I'm also excited to see her grow as well.