Nicole seems to be growing up so fast. I remember when she was a newborn, I couldn't wait until she was 4 months. Everyone told me this would be a good time and it really is. Nicole spends most of her day so happy. She loves to talk to us and her toys. We got her
an exersaucer and she LOVES it! I think she likes it the most because it keeps her in a standing position, but she also loves the toys. She also loves her Kickin' Coaster because it plays music when she kicks her feet and she can make herself slide up and down. I used to put her in that just so I could take a few minutes to get ready, but now that she has figured it out, she'll hang out there for awhile. She is doing great sleeping during the day and at night. She still wakes up at night to eat, but then goes right back to sleep. A little over a week ago, she had gone back to waking up every 1-2hrs, but luckily that has passed now.We are moving back to the US in October. We'll be heading to Langley AFB, VA. We will both be working at ACC HQ. We're excited to bring Nicole back, so she can meet all her family. We are house hunting now. It is fun looking at houses and considering if it will meet our needs with a baby. I'm excited to decorate a room for Nicole. We didn't do that here.

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