Saturday, November 28, 2009
23 Weeks - Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful for this year. It was great to spend the day with our friends here in Germany. We decided how to reorganize the house to make room for a baby room. We have been collecting so many baby items from friends that we had just started piling it up in our guest room. We figured it was time to start really finding a place for all of it. I started a baby registry on Babies R Us. Only 16 weeks or so left!! Wow...that seems so soon.
The baby is moving around a lot now. She's started to develop a schedule. She wakes me up every morning at 4am and starts jumping around. It is a little awkward when I'm in meetings at work and she starts moving around. I have to try to stay focused. Shaun has been able to feel her move a little. Roxy gets really jealous when that starts though. It is going to be really interesting to see how she adjusts when the baby is born.
Our camera is giving us problems lately, so I only have a belly picture from week 20. We are going to replace it soon, so we can post them. I feel like I'm getting HUGE! We have our next doctor appointment on Tuesday. Shaun will be TDY, so it will be the first one he will miss. In a few weeks, we are heading to New Mexico for Christmas. It will be interesting to fly with my big belly :)
Saturday, November 7, 2009
20 Weeks

Now that I'm about half way through this pregnancy, I figure it is time to start sharing some of what has been going on.
We had our ultrasound this week. I was so excited, I could hardly sleep or concentrate for a few days before. The lady that did the ultrasound told me up front that she was going to look around and do her measurements and then would go back through and point everything out to me. I could hardly sit still waiting for her to finish her part. I was mentally doing a checklist in my head. When she came to the heart, I counted 4 chambers, she came to the left hand and then the right, the left kidney and then the right. Everything seems to be there and looked pretty good. It is amazing how much growth and development has happened since our 10 week pictures.
Leading up the the ultrasound we weren't sure if we were going to find out the sex. Everyone was telling me we should, but it was really not something I felt I needed to know right now. I just wanted to know everything was okay. Shaun really wanted to know though, so we decided to find out. Of course, we had envisioned something really dramatic for the announcement, but when it came down to it, the lady just said "it's a girl" out of the blue. We were shocked, but it was pretty exciting!! Of course, I really would have been excited either way.
Now we have to start planning names and nursery patterns and all of that stuff. I guess now is when the fun stuff begins...the shopping :)
I'm definitely growing. My belly has really popped out in the last week or so. I've gained 9 or 10 lbs. I'm in maternity clothes all the time now. I'm really liking stretchy pants :) Belly pictures will come soon. I was going to take some this week, but my camera is giving me problems. We'll get that worked out and then take some.
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